Haas Center for Integrated Machining

The Commonwealth of Virginia and its regional and local partners understand how important labor is to companies moving into or expanding in Virginia.

Through its Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP), the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) provides services and funding to companies that are creating new jobs or experiencing technological change. This economic development incentive offsets your company’s recruitment and training costs and helps to connect you with all available resources to assist you with your workforce development efforts.

Your partners will include Virginia's educational and vocational institutions, workforce development centers, employment service providers and more.

Southern Virginia offers a variety of state of the art training facilities who work with new and existing industries to customize programs specific to that company's needs.

Center for Advanced Film Manufacturing

Regional training facilities include the following:

Regional Center for Advanced Technical Training (RCATT)

Along with offering customized training for new employers, every year students are graduating from the above institutions with degrees or certificates in many programs such as Welding, Information Systems Technology, Industrial Electronics, HVAC, Precision Machining, Maintenance Mechanics, Industrial Maintenance Technology and Advanced Manufacturing Technology.




Southern Virginia Mega Site sitemap

Fast Facts

Quest Site Solutions Certified Mega Site / Super Park 

3,528-acre publicly owned Mega Site, the largest in Virginia and southeast United States

Unique collaboration amongst multiple jurisdictions in 2 states

Suitable for OEM manufacturing operations and other large advanced industrial tenants

Ready for single or multiple industrial users

Largest possible contiguous parcel is 2,102 acres

Existing 200 acre graded pad expandable as needed

Ultimate water capacity will be over 5.75 MGD expandable to 7 MGD, fed by 2 independent sources

3 MGD sanitary sewer system, expandable to 4 MGD

Direct access to Williams Transco Pipeline via existing gate station onsite

Onsite Class I rail - Norfolk Southern

VEDP Certified Tier 5 pad site, the highest designation give to shovel ready sites

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Southern Virginia Mega Site map location on Mid-Atlantic East Coast of the US

StrategicEast Coast Location

Within 1 day’s drive of 60% of the US population and 2/3 of the US industrial base

Direct route to Mid-Atlantic Gateway at Port of Virginia

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Scalable Workforce Pipeline
$68 million invested in this pipeline with over 1500 students yearly
Community Commitment
Over $150 million invested in site and infrastructure
Within a day’s drive of 60% of the US population & 2/3 of the US industrial base
Stable taxes and manufacturing costs 18% below the national average